Sunday, December 18, 2005

Wild Party

So here it goes ….

Yesterday i.e. 18th December was my date of birth. My wife, my friends and I were bored by the routine birthday parties.

All of us wanted to break the routine. So we thought of a “Wild Party”.

I took all of my friends to the Zoo J. We had a party amidst some really heavy-duty party animals – Chimpanzees, Orangutans,Baboons, turtles, Tigers, Panthers, Pumas, Lions, Alligators, Cobras, Pythons ….Now that’s what we call a “Wild Party”.

The time we spent with the Tigers was unforgettable. We saw 9 tigers in all. Iam a regular at the zoo because of my fascination with the Tiger. I go there alone and sometimes assisted the cage cleaners in feeding the tigers. So I knew what it takes to take my friends inside the Tigers cage J. I have the “right contacts” J. So we had the privilege of entering the private enclosure of the tigers where we were face to face with greatest beast on land. We also had the rare privilege of witnessing the mating of White tigers….now how many of us get that kind of opportunity.

The hippos, rhinos, yaks, emus all were very kind to us J.

Call it a true “Wild Party”. Pics Soon.


Anonymous said...

This is SUNNY here..forgot my UN n PW...hence this anonymous post..Boss,this is very novel way of celebrating your d-day.Wow,wow....looks like it was literally a 'wild' party.White tigers huh..albinos,they are called,right??Some timing,dude!!Let alone spottin one,you've had the privilege to see'em mating...hahah!!
Keep the posts flowin....and yes!!pics wud be awesome.
Happy B'day,btw

Anonymous said...

This is Chitra here...
This thought came to me today morning..
What if a tiger is bored of celebrating its b'day in the zoo and comes to our house to see us!!!